Helen | Newborn

Finding out one of your best friends is having a little girl to join two big brothers - I was giddy! And even more excited when Mattie, my potluck college roommate turned friend for life, asked me to come up to small town Spearman, Texas, for her newborn photos. I couldn’t wait! It’s surreal to think about how far we’ve both come since our days in the dorms at Texas A&M. Fourteen years and 6 babies later - one girl and two boys for each of us - we’ve experienced so much life between then and now, but our friendship has remained steady and I’m so grateful for that. Mattie’s kids all have meaningful family names and Helen Grace’s name honors some amazing women. A beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. Thank you Mattie and Cody Mac for having me up to capture these crazy, chaotic, heartwarming moments for y’all. Helen is so loved!